
Still Life

I sometimes think that Wilf is the Nob Mouse equivalent of the ‘big fat party guy’ stereotype, only not always quite as anchored to the real world.  Okay, he has his moments of annoyance (as can be seen when he argues with Franky during the Pie Noon saga) but he is, in general, quite an…Read more


With NaNoWriMo being a significant drain on my time, the chances of more Series Three stories than Series Two ones this month are significant.  I’m not saying it’s definitely going to be a month of three-panel stories, but chances are high. This one came to me late on Sunday, i.e. yesterday by the time this…Read more

Sweet Tooth

When an idea strikes you, it isn’t like someone punching you in the face; although the experience can be just as shocking.  It’s more like someone grabs you by the ears and pulls your head toward theirs, so they can better shout in your ear.  That’s how ideas strike me, anyway.  Your experiences may be…Read more