The Scary House, part four

Wow, this comic took a long time.  It has more going on in it than I had originally planned but I think it’s all the better for it.  It is certainly one of my favourites and I’m very pleased with it, especially the look and feel of Franky’s pumpkin costume.  I hope you enjoy it too.

Next week will see a return to Series Three.  I’m planning to make up for their being two Series Two episodes this week by having two Series Three episodes follow them.  Whether this happens is, of course, still to be seen but that’s the idea as it stands.  Tune in on Monday to find out what Nob Mouse goodness awaits you!

I’m taking part in NaNoWriMo again this year.  I had planned to write a series of short stories about Nob Mouse for this year’s NaNo but instead I’m going to stick with my usual horror story theme and try to finish The Curse of the Other World, or whatever I’ve decided to call it by the end of the story.  I wrote a draft of this story last year and I’ve been picking away at it ever since but I’m not happy with what I’ve produced.  I’ve therefore decided that I am going to produce a final version of this story, just to get it out of my head, and then I’m going to start work on a series of short stories based on The Life of Nob T. Mouse.  Eventualy, once I’ve got about fifteen to twenty tales that I’m particularly pleased with, I will collect them into a book and try to get them published.  Or maybe I’ll publish them myself, under the Mouseworks label that I use for publishing in Second Life.

I’m thinking of calling the collection The Lives of Nob T. Mouse or some variant thereon but I’ve not yet settled on that for certain.  I’ll give you more details as the project develops, so be sure to tune in again at a later date.  Monday will be a good time to start, since if you don’t get any more information at least you’ll get a comic. 🙂

Zoe Kirk-Robinson

Writer, artist, vlogger. Creator of Britain's first webcomic.