
A sketch

I’m having massive technical trouble right now so I don’t know if tomorrow’s comic will be completed in time.  At the moment both Photoshop and the Gimp are crashing regularly so I’ve got hardly anything done.  In the mean time, here is the sketchwork for tomorrow’s strip by way of showing that it does exist…Read more

Currency competition

I once asked Nob Mouse about currency.  I was interested in how Blobland managed to survive without a true currency of any sort. ‘What’s a currency?’ asked Nob.  ‘It sounds like some kind of raisin.’ ‘You’re thinking about currants, aren’t you?’ I said. ‘Yes.  That’s right, isn’t it?  You give one-another currants in exchange for…Read more

About globes

‘I’ve been thinking,’ said Nob. ‘Oh?’ I asked.  ‘About what?’ ‘About how globes are a silly idea for living on.’ He sipped his tea through a twirly straw, as was his usual choice.  I took mine straight from the mug but he said the straw added a certain hint of something one can’t quite put…Read more

Slow learner

It’s interesting to note that my occasional co-writer, Jennifer Kirk, thought Jo (the white/orange character who is usually found in the company of Kevin) was a girl.  I’ve never considered Jo to be anything more than … well … Jo.  Gender is often undetermined in the Nob Mouse universe – the characters are first and…Read more

Favourite Food

It’s not often that I attempt a continuous story in the Series Three style.  In fact, the only other time I’ve done this was A Trip Down Memory Lane which, let’s admit it, was not my finest hour.  Today’s comic is a continuation of sorts from Friday’s Still Life.  This was not intended at the…Read more