News and commentaries

This is where commentaries on the comics will appear. It’s also the place for news posts, although these are likely to be rare.

His life’s work

Merry Christmas; or midwinter festival of your choice, should you happen to be someone who does not wish to celebrate Christmas.  It’s no problem to me if you don’t want to celebrate it.  I ‘celebrate’ Christmas as a time when family and friends get together to exchange gifts as a token of their appreciation for…Read more

A sketch

I’m having massive technical trouble right now so I don’t know if tomorrow’s comic will be completed in time.  At the moment both Photoshop and the Gimp are crashing regularly so I’ve got hardly anything done.  In the mean time, here is the sketchwork for tomorrow’s strip by way of showing that it does exist…Read more

Technical issues

There are a few slight problems, nothing too bad but irksome in their own ways, that mean the next strip will be slightly delayed.  Expect it to still appear on Monday but unfortunately not at the scheduled 00:01 time for publication.  I most humbly apologise but there are limits to what I can do.

Currency competition

I once asked Nob Mouse about currency.  I was interested in how Blobland managed to survive without a true currency of any sort. ‘What’s a currency?’ asked Nob.  ‘It sounds like some kind of raisin.’ ‘You’re thinking about currants, aren’t you?’ I said. ‘Yes.  That’s right, isn’t it?  You give one-another currants in exchange for…Read more

About globes

‘I’ve been thinking,’ said Nob. ‘Oh?’ I asked.  ‘About what?’ ‘About how globes are a silly idea for living on.’ He sipped his tea through a twirly straw, as was his usual choice.  I took mine straight from the mug but he said the straw added a certain hint of something one can’t quite put…Read more