Search results for: "Pie Noon"

Pie Noon, part 8

There’s not a lot to say about this week’s comic. It’s another one of those four-panel jobs but I’ve tried to keep it from being a simple “four squares layout” episode. I’m pleased with the amount of background detail in the first panel – it seems like there’s a lot going on, and you can…Read more

Pie Noon, part 2

This is the first chance to see how Nob Mouse and co have developed as characters in the eight years since they last appeared in a comic. Despite not being able to overcome the hurdle Pie Noon represented until now I did not stop drawing the characters in sketches and numerous attempts to produce this…Read more


Although the majority of episodes from The Life of Nob T. Mouse are stand-alone affairs, there have been a number of longer-running stories.  Links to these have been collected here, along with a brief synopsis of each of them. Series One ran from 1996 to 1999 and contains what some claim is the Golden Age…Read more