The Scary House, part two

Sometimes these strips go in a completely different direction to what I envisaged when I started writing the story.  This one is case in point, with the final frame being the key to this.  I had a very clear-cut idea when I started out writing this story and it went in a different direction the moment Nob Mouse ran into a cupboard at the end of part one, leaving me asking myself “how am I going to get him out of this?”.  As the saying goes, it all went downhill from there.

Still, I know I can wrap this up nicely, in time for Halloween; which is the point of the story, so that’s not too bad.  Tune in next week for the shocking conclusion and remember, folks: don’t have nightmares! 🙂

Zoe Kirk-Robinson

Writer, artist, vlogger. Creator of Britain's first webcomic.